Talk to the Animals
This week's episode of Wise Women Conversations is a fun one with Bianca De Reus, Animal Communicator. Bianca shares how a snake encounter was the catalyst that changed her life from a analytical corporate financial employee to a self-employed animal communicator and energy healer. Whilst Bianca loves communicating with animals this conversation centres around opening your heart to connect to other beings, animals and humans included.
Bianca shares how you can tune open a communication channel with any animal by tuning into their energy field. We also discuss how your mood can impact your pet's behaviour and energy levels.
This conversation takes many twists and turns as we discuss our connection to nature and how we receive energy through our left hand. I loved this conversation with Bianca and had so much fun with it. If you would like to learn more about the work that Bianca does you can visit her website or join her facebook group called Connected Soul Beings.